ForumTim Noakes goes Paleo: Tim Noa…
James Marshall asked 12 years ago

Tim Noakes goes Paleo: Tim Noakes has changed his view on high Carb diets:,73175.asp
I was peaking to Vern about this yesterday and it would be good to see more objective viewpoints.

Up until now I have been sceptical, thinking it was a fad associated with Crossfit junkies.
However, as my middle age spread keeps spreading, it might be time for a rethink. Saying that, Jack Lalanne said this many years ago:

Does anyone have an data research to support or refute this?

2 Answers
Patrick McHugh answered 12 years ago

Noakes has convinced me to give it a try and once my Olympic venture is done (cannot pass on good English Beer) I am going to do the same Noakes 150 day experiment on myself.

Greg Thompson answered 12 years ago

Noakes got me going this winter and I first read, at his recommendation, Gary Taubes' book: "Why we get fat and what we can do about it".  This should be Mark D's bible 😉  Next I read T. Colin Campbell's "China Study". First, they are in complete agreement about simple carbohydrate.  This is the venn diagram of these two books for me. Where they part company, and Campbell is a serious, multiple NIH grant winning Cornell researcher, is in what appears to be a well documented correlational relationship between animal-based protein and many western diseases. Everyone will have to make their own conclusions and see how this fits their lifestyle, but dropping most dairy and trying to eat predominantly plant-based protein has made a great impact on both me and my wife Maureen.  We still have an occasional piece of beef, chicken or fish, but we are learning how to cook with more tofu, edamame, quinoa and wheat berry.  Whole foods has been great.  We have a big one in Ann Arbor and I like to go through their prepared salad bar for ideas about what to pair with what.  The interesting thing about this transition, aside from weight, is how I feel.  Good energy, not bloated, sleeping great, and no hunger spikes. We are learning how to prepare the whole grains which is interesting too.  So far it has been a good food adventure that is agreeing with us. More food for thought !!